Become a member for 2022/2023 now!

Thank you for your interest in joining RAMICS. This organisation offers you the possibility to meet and communicate with people from different parts of the world in a rapidly growing field of research. Here you get access to the resources you need in order to keep abreast of the latest developments of this fascinating development. As a member you can participate at the biennial conferences at a discounted rate.

Membership is open to scholars, students and other members of the research community. Furthermore, we invite scientific organisations as well as practitioners who are interested to reflect their experiences in a dialogue with academics to join this association.

Please find below the biennial membership fees. Membership applied for in 2022 will be valid until 31st of December 2023 without additional charges. We kindly ask those of you who had subscribed to RAMICS before to fill out the same form.

Membership Categories Conditions Biennial Fee
Supporting membership Any greater than 60€
Full membership Income higher than 20.000€ per year 60€
Reduced membership Income between 10.000 and 20.000€ per year 30€
Special membership Income lower than 10.000€ per year 15€
Academic and Research Organisations:
Supporting membership Any greater than 300€
Full membership 300€

Payment can be made either by bank transfer or online via PayPal.
If you come from a country of the Eurozone (with IBAN/BIC identifiers) we kindly ask you to give preference to the “bank transfer” option; this helps us to save on transaction costs.

Apply now to become a member:

  • If you are the representative of an academic organisation, we kindly ask you to apply by contacting us directly.

Please do not hesitate to contact us  for further information!